
Update site Archive?

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  • #238770 Reply

    I manage the installation of MyEclipse for a number of developers on our corporate network. Unfortunately our proxy sucks, and I can’t ever seem to get the Eclipse updater to work. It always times out downloading JARs. I can, however, easily download an archive (ZIP, TAR, whatever). Would it be possible to provide an archive of the update site as part of your release process? That way I could mirror the update site on an internal server and easily upgrade our installations. I imagine this would be a tremendous benefit for all corporate environments to minimize bandwidth usage.

    – Erik Mattheis

    #238786 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Would it be possible to provide an archive of the update site as part of your release process?

    Sure. In fact, it’s supposed to be but we apparently forgot to do it for 4.0.1. I’ll see that we get it up there for you ASAP.

    #238885 Reply

    Excellent! Downloading now. Thanks very much!

    – Erik Mattheis

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