
Upgrade problems.

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  • #209981 Reply


    All was going well with Eclipse and MyEclipse until this morning. I ran eclipse and was notified that there were updates to MyEclipse and should they install. I clicked “Yes”, the system performed a download and asked me if I wanted to restart. I again said “Yes” However, eclipse will no longer start. I keep getting a message that says “Workspace is in use, do you want to try another.” What is locking my workspace. I tried rebooting, deleting the .lock file from the .metadata directory within eclipse/workspace. However, eclipse then seemed to get further (the logo came up in the middle of the screen and the hard drive made some noise)…. but Eclipse never actually came up. In trying to load it again, workspace in use message came up again.

    Please help.


    #209983 Reply


    I went ahead and downloaded the Install/EXE Beta 2 of eclipse. When trying to install it, it says I need the 3.0 version of Eclipse to run it. I have Eclipse 3.0 installed. What release do I need. I’m hoping my above problem will go away if I simply reinstall everything.


    #209987 Reply


    Agh!!! Getting really frustrated here. Downoaded the latest version of


    Tried installing onto MyEclipse:
    eclipse-SDK-3.0-win32.zip which has been extracted to “C:\Eclipse”

    No Luck… MyEclipse says it’s the wrong version.

    I just need to get up and running again.

    #209989 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    When using the installer, are you pointing it at the directory specifically named ‘eclipse’? In your case it would be “C:\Eclipse\eclipse”?

    If that’s not the problem, I’d suggest using the manual instal zip file that you can download from the same area. The HTML instructions are included and it’s quite simple to set up.

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