
Upgrade process from Standard to Professional? [Closed]

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  • #235934 Reply

    Jim Hazen

    If I understand the various posts correctly. Existing Standard subscription users should be automatically upgraded to Professional status. I’ve installed 4.0GA and the subscription attributes seem to indicate that this is still a Standard subscription:

    Product ID: E2MY (MyEclipse Standard Subscription)

    What is the process for existing subscription holders to upgrade their subscriptions to Professional? As of the time of this posting, requesting a license E-mail from Member Services resends the old Standard license.


    #235935 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    The subscription will be decoded as a standard subscription but *treated* as a professional subscription, thus giving you access to all the Pro features. There’s additional information on this topic in this thread that provides more details: http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-8725.html

    #235937 Reply

    Jim Hazen

    I had read the link before and missed the *treated* part. Good to know. Thanks team!


    #235944 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Yeah, it’s a little confusing, but much simpler in that we don’t have to reissue all existing keys. 🙂

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