
Upgrading Spring

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  • #232915 Reply

    I’m running ME 4.0M2 on Eclipse 3.1. O/S is Windows XP SP2. I need to use Spring 1.2.1 and Hibernate 3.

    * What’s the procedure to upgrade the ME Spring 1.2 Plug-in to Spring 1.2.1. Can I just copy in the updated libraries under C:\Genuitec\ME-4.0M2\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.springframework_3.9.211\data\1.2\lib.

    * Do I need to make corresponding changes under ‘com.genuitec.myeclipse.hibernate_3.9.211’.

    * The Spring Project does a point release every 6 weeks or so. It would be nice to have a ME wizard to allow easy incoporation of these updates into the ME Spring plug-in as they come available.


    #232935 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    1) Download Spring 1.2.1 and unzip it somewhere permanantly.
    2) Load up MyEclipse
    3) go to Window > Prefs > MyEclipse > Project Capabilities > Spring
    4) Using the Add/Remove buttons, change out the JARs/resources for this library and instead add the new ones. Hit OK

    Now when you add Spring caps, it will add these libraries instead.

    OPTIONAL Hackier Way) Drop your new JARs into the project and call it a day =)

    #232938 Reply

    OK, cool. Thanks!

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