
[Resolved] MyEclipse 2015 CI 15 Update Issue

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    Update: October 13, 2015
    MyEclipse 2015 CI 15 updates have now been resumed and are available in-product for all OSes.

    On OS X, if you had updated from CI 14 to CI 15 between October 5 – 8, the update would corrupt your install by adding duplicate entries to the info.plist file. Please read on for how these installations can be fixed.

    Update: October 8, 2015

    Updates to MyEclipse 2015 CI 15, via in-product update, have been paused and will resume in a couple of days. We apologise for the delay.

    This update pause has been needed due to a bug in the Mac OS X update process that affects all Mac OS X users upgrading from MyEclipse 2015 CI 14, to another CI release. The pause will resume when we have completed a fix for this issue.However, MyEclipse 2015 CI 15 can still be installed using our offline or online installers. For existing users, the installers may also be used to update an existing installation and this will work for all CI 14 users (including Mac OS X users).

    For OS X users who took the in-product update, when it was available, this may have resulted in a corrupted install. However, the corruption can be easily corrected. The bug causes the top level Info.plist file to contain duplicate elements. This file can be found by right clicking on the MyEclipse application and selecting Open Package Contents. Open the Contents folder and the Info.plist file is right there. Open the file in a text editor and remove all element duplicates, before saving the file. The application can now be opened (even though it may take a while for the application icon to be restored).

    Note that the corruption can also be corrected by running the CI 15 installer and choosing the Repair option. However, this will reset the configuration and any added software may be lost and need to be reinstalled.

    We apologize for the error and the inconvenience it may cause.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by support-tony. Reason: Modified following further analysis
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by support-tony.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by support-tony.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Brian Fernandes.
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