
Upload Error Message: CLOSED

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  • #345733 Reply


    Each time I upload my file to build my app I get this error message ” An Internal Error Has Occurred – Java.Lang.Null Pointer Exception” – the app seems to be build ok but what is causing this error message ?

    Running Windows 7

    This is for both IOS and Android



    #345735 Reply

    Hi George,

    What Mobione version are you using? If 2.5 also include Cordova version.
    Do you have a build ID # that we can use to investigate?
    Lastly, could you share your .log file to investigate as well? It’s located at <user-home>/.mobione/runtime/.metadata/.log

    #345736 Reply


    I have version 2.5 not sure of the Cordova version.

    I reloaded program so far it seems to have resolved the error message, could be me my first app !

    #345753 Reply


    The error message is back again but sporadically ! When I upload a file to build I get an “Error Has Occurred – Java.Lang.Null PointerException”

    This is happening for both IOS and Android – but the app seems to build properly !

    MobiOne Version: 2.5
    Cordova Version: 2.9
    ID: 45865806

    Thanks for your help !


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    #346075 Reply

    Hi gbwiii,

    We have reviewed your log file and didn’t find any significant or related error on it. Could you share a screenshot or 2 to help us better understand? Also does this issue arise with multiple projects or is it with a specific project?

    #346129 Reply


    Thanks for reviewing the file – so far now that there’s been two upgrades since the problem I haven’t had the error message. If it returns I will take a screen shot and post!

    Thanks Again !

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