
Use symbolic link for external jar path?

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  • #313954 Reply

    When updating to a new release of a server (JBoss, Tomcat, etc), it’s a real pain to have to up date all of the locations for the external jars in Properties | Java Build Path for each application.

    Is there a way to use a symbolic link for the path statement? (e.g. instead of /usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.5/lib the external jar could point to /usr/local/tomcat/lib — with “tomcat” is a symbolic link to the home directory).


    #314000 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    1) You can create a user library and then have your projects reference that library. When you need to make a change, update the single user library and all your projects will point to the new content.
    2) You can use Linux file system symbolic links in Eclipse paths. As you stated above, you could create a symbolic link (using “ln -s” and use a the symbolic link in your paths inside Eclipse)
    3) You can create classpath variables within MyEclipse, this is explained in section 6.1.3 of this article.

    Hope this helps.

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