
Using Ant with MyEclipse

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  • #199556 Reply


    MyEclipse – 2.6.2
    JBoss – 3.2.2RC4
    JDK (Eclipse & JBoss) – 1.4.2
    OS – Window XP
    Ant – 1.5.4

    We use Ant to build and deploy our application to JBoss. Is it possible to debug JSPs using MyEclipse when the JSPs are deployed through Ant? If so, is there anything in MyEclipse that I need to configure to make that work?

    #199559 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Using your own Ant scripts to deploy is fine. As long as you start JBoss using our server connectors you’ll have full Java debugging available for your application.

    Is it possible to debug JSPs using MyEclipse when the JSPs are deployed through Ant?

    Yes it is, but not with JBoss 3.2.2. The source-level debugging we provide is dependent on the server implementing its side of the JSR-045 specification. Without that, there’s not much we can do. JBoss 3.2.2 uses either Tomcat 4 or Jetty 4 as its web container and these containers don’t support JSR-045. Tomcat 5 and Jetty 5 both do support the spec so source-level debugging works fine there. So, if you had a JBoss bundle that used one of these servers, source-level JSP debugging should work fine, but to my knowledge such a bundle is not yet available from the JBoss group.

    MyEclipse Support

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