
Using MyEclipse Reports under JDK 1.4

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  • #297891 Reply


    I am having trouble to use MyEclipse Reports under JDK 1.4. For our organization, we are required to run java application under JDK 1.4. I researched on the internet and confirmed that Birt 2.2 is JDK 1.4 compatible. However, when I use MyEclipse 6.6 (which should uses Birt 2.2) to create web report project and run it under JBoss 4.0.5 (JDK 1.4), I am getting Unsupported major.minor version 49.0 error for viewservlets.jar and coreapi.jar (those two are part of Birt runtime library). Now, if I replace those two jars with the latest one from Birt 2.2.2 runtime library (from official web site), I am start to getting other errors like

    org.eclipse.birt.core.exception.BirtException: Cant startup the OSGI framework
    Caused by: org.eclipse.birt.core.exception.BirtException: Could not start the Framework

    It seems like MyEclipse customized the Birt’s runtime library. My question would be where can I find the MyEclipse Reports library that is the JDK 1.4 compatible? Or what will be the easiest way for me to use MyEclipse to create the report that is JDK 1.4 compatible? Maybe I should use MyEclipse 6.0 or 6.5? This issue is very important for our organization.

    Thanks for the help

    #297945 Reply


    Does anyone know any workaround? Or has anyone tried to run MyEclipse Reports under JDK 1.4?

    #297951 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    1) How did you replace the JAR files? I just wanted to inform you that the right way is to go to Window > Preferences > MyEclipse > Project Capabilities > Reports and make the change there, removing the two JARs and replacing them with different versions. I would suggest removing your deployment and then redeploying just to make sure the new versions of these JARs are deployed and used.

    2) You need to use the JARs from BIRT 2.2.0, not 2.2.2 – this is a direct link to a download which should contain those files.

    Hope this helps, please let us know how it goes.

    #297970 Reply


    Ok, I followed the steps, however, I am still getting
    org.eclipse.birt.core.exception.BirtException: Cant startup the OSGI framework
    Caused by: org.eclipse.birt.core.exception.BirtException: Could not start the Framework

    I downloaded the Birt 2.2.0 from the link provided. Opened up Window > Preferences > MyEclipse > Project Capabilities > Reports and replaced the viewservlets.jar and coreapi.jar with the one that just downloaded.

    I even replaced all the jars with the new ones, still have the same error. I can make move forward by make following changes (but still with major issues). The web project generated by MyEclipse Report has a structure where birt’s platform (OSGI framework) folder is under report-engine folder of WEB-INF. Now, after replacing the two jar, I will have to move the platform folder right under WEB-INF for the OSGI framework to even start up properly. By doing so, I am not getting exception when I try to view a very simple report that I created. However, the layout of the report is totally screwed.

    By doing the above test, I am very sure that MyEclipse must modified something within those two jars that I replaced. Cann’t MyEclipse recompile and repackage those two jars under JDK1.4 and give me a copy? Moreover, I think Birt is under EPL, I will have to check out the license term, and maybe I can get the modified source from MyEclipse and compile and package myself.

    Any additional help will be great, thanks a lot.

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