
Using MyEclipse with an existing project structure

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  • #196830 Reply


    Hi there

    Was just wondering if it was possible to make use of all the features of myEclipse with an existing j2ee project? Our project already has a source structure that doesn’t corrospond to the one stipulated by you guys. We use an external ant script to compile and build up the archives.

    Is there a way to point myEclipse to the relevant source trees and locations of the war, ear and ejb folder so we can get use of all the deploying features and other nifty things that seem to be around?

    Looks great so far (thank goodness someone has finally addressed the jsp editing).

    Thanks in advance

    #196831 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Good questions. This type of flexibility discussion has come up before. Here are some of the better discussions on it.



    As entertaining as these threads are, the net-net of it all is this: we’ll add deployment extentions in the future for flexibility, but in order to do so much automation we have to do a bit of imposing on the project structure. That’s just the way it is right now.

    In the meantime, you can continue to use all the MyEclipse tools except the deployer. The editors, wizards, and server connectors will continue to work great for you and you can continue to use your ant script for deployment. For new projects though, I’d highly recommend our product structure so you can use our Sync-On-Demand deployer. Very fast.

    MyEclipse Support

    #196832 Reply


    Thanks for the reply Scott. Good to hear i can still use all the other things.

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