
Validation errors in spring xml after xsd schema changed

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  • #300746 Reply


    I’m using custom Spring extensions and the associated xsd has changed to allow new values in a enumerated attribute. The schema has been changed in both the version in the classpath and the version referenced in the xsi:schemaLocation attribute but the MyEclipse validation is showing any references to the new values as an error and the enumerated values in the error message are from the old schema version.

    I’ve tried restarting with the -clean option with no effect. Is there some was I can force MyEclipse to update it’s version of the xsd?


    #300760 Reply



    You can change the validation by following these steps –
    From MyEclipse menu click on Window > Preferences > MyEclipse Enterprise Workench > Validation
    You can chance the settings for XML Schema Validator and add additional rules or even chance the implementation.

    #300762 Reply


    Hi Joy,
    I’m happy with the validation settings and the document was validating correctly until I modified the xsd file the document was being validated against. My problem is that although the xsd file has changed the myeclipse validator seems to be validating the document against the old version (and thus flagging valid documents with errors)


    #300779 Reply

    Loyal Water

    You will have to go to Windows > Prefs > MyEclipse > Internet Tools > Cache and check if this xsd is cached. You will have to manually clear it.

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