- This topic has 8 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 20 years, 2 months ago by
Scott Anderson.
Brian BezansonParticipantDid something happen between 3.8.1 and 3.8.2 which brings validation of JSP files to a crawl?
I installed a clean 3.0.1 eclipse and ME 3.8.2 and after checking out my project in CVS (~250 java files and ~130 JSP files), if I force a clean build or just the ME Validation, the process is ~5x slower than under previous versions.
I have verified this on another developers machine too — he’s having the same speed issues. Do we need to modify the default Eclipse/ME settings? Seems to be grabbing the RAM and CPU it needs, just goes very slow. Just grabs a lot of RAM and 100% CPU for a long time.
Same project in NitroX with Eclipse 3.0.1 builds/compiles in under a minute, not > 5 minutes.
dres1011MemberPlease refer to thread:
There is a patch available.
Scott AndersonParticipantThis is most likely related to the JSP Indexer being activated. A quickfix archive is located at:
http://www.myeclipseide.com/products/eworkbench/prereleases/3.8.2-QuickFix-20041004.zipThis quickfix corrects the following bugs:
ID Summary
1062 JS Editor ignores read-only flag on files after 3 keystrokes
1067 UnsupportedOperationException in JS Editor
1085 Refactoring operations in workspaces with LARGE (1500 JSP…Instructions for Installing:
1) Download the zip file
2) Unzip the file to your MyEclipse directory (for example, I have
MyEclipse installed at C:\Java\myeclipse_030802, so I would unzip this
file INTO that directory). Be sure that your extraction method only
overwrites the files contained in the zip and does not simply replace
each complete directory. For example, the default extraction of WinZip
will behave properly and is the recommended extraction technique.
3) The zip file contains the eclipse dir and will prompt you to
overwrite certain files, say “All” and overwrite all the files contained in
the zip.
4) Restart Eclipse** If you were not prompted to overwrite files, you likely didn’t
unzip the file to the correct location.
mfieldsMemberI am having the same problem with extremely slow JSP validation. I just applied the quick fix, but I see no improvement.
Scott AndersonParticipantCan you please post all the information we request in the [URL=http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-393.html]Posting Guidelines[/URL] thread at the top of this forum? In addition please include your specific observations and timings for validating a single JSP file, and your project. Also, what does your machine and RAM configuration look like? Is your workspace on a local drive?
mfieldsMemberSure, here’s the system I’m working with:
– Compaq laptop with AMD 2400+, 1GB RAM
– Windows XP Pro SP1
– JDK 1.4.2_03
– Clean eclipse 3.0.1 + myeclipse 3.8.2 .. no other plugins
(workspace copied from previous eclipse 3.0, myeclipse 3.8 B2 install)
– Project uses struts and tiles
– deploy to JBOSS 3.2.3I see the following repeated in my <workspce>/.metadata/.log
!ENTRY com.ibm.etools.validation 4 0 Oct 15, 2004 13:47:37.899
*** ERROR ***: Fri Oct 15 13:47:37 EDT 2004 java.lang.StackOverflowError
I am seeing single JSP compilation time of about 8 seconds and a full project JSP compile(60 JSPs) of roughly 5-10 minutes.Previous to upgrading I was seeing single JSP compile time of less than 1 second and project compile time of ~20 seconds.
Scott AndersonParticipantWell, those times are way too long; I agree. There really weren’t any appreciable changes betwee the two versions that would account for what you’re seeing. I’ve also never seen a stack overflow caused by validation before. Can you try an experiment? Launch MyEclipse with a new workspace, create a web project and a single JSP page and validate it. Is the time similar? I’m trying to run down if this is due to a workspace problem, or possibly a project setup problem.
mfieldsMemberI just tried creating a new workspace and imported from CVS the same project I was testing before. Now I am seeing a single JSP compile time of ~2 seconds and project JSP compile time of ~2 minutes. This is much more acceptable .. though this is still a bit slower than my old 3.8.0 Beta2 performance.
Scott AndersonParticipantI’m glad to hear it looks like some sort of workspace issue.
This is much more acceptable .. though this is still a bit slower than my old 3.8.0 Beta2 performance.
The performance difference is because we changed over to using Jasper 2 instead of our own parser / compiler. The reason we did that was to support the latest JSP spec, which our old technology did not. However, we’ll be looking into some optimizations to speed JSP compilations further in the 3.8.3 timeframe.