
Video issue

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  • #330702 Reply


    The video is not working. I used Miro to convert for 02 formats (droid and nexus) and tested on android 2.35. Any way to fix it?


    #330812 Reply

    Hi appmos,

    Could you provide us more information about your issue responding next questons?

    What conversion are you using in Miro?
    Are you doing a native app or webapp?
    Are the video files streaming or packaged with the app?
    What specific devices are you testing on?
    Can you share a build ID or an uploaded app URL?

    #330837 Reply


    What conversion are you using in Miro?

    Droid and Nexus

    Are you doing a native app or webapp?


    Are the video files streaming or packaged with the app?

    packaged but I tried the streaming mode too

    What specific devices are you testing on?

    Mobione Test Center and Samsung Galaxy G5360B – Android 2.3.5

    Can you share a build ID or an uploaded app URL?

    Could you inform your e-mail. I´ll send to you all related files?

    #330842 Reply


    >Could you inform your e-mail. I´ll send to you all related files?

    support at genuitec dot com use title “audio files from appmos”

    if the files are larger than 5mb please upload the files using wetransfer.com and provide the email address above.

    #331001 Reply


    Did you received the files that I sent? I sent a apk too. Did you received?

    #331010 Reply



    Yes, received the data and it is being researched. Will follow up as soon as we know something definitive.

    #331012 Reply



    #331266 Reply



    It’s been three weeks and I have not had feedback about the problems I’m having with the MobiOne. I’m with the project stopped, waiting for these issues. Could you help me? Thank you.

    #331272 Reply


    For video issue on MobiOne, I am standing by from trial version to purchased ver 2.1 to now (Ver 2.2)
    Still didn’t see any good news or at-least something improve on video…..
    If you found any clue can make it work, please let me know
    All I want is streaming youtube on app (Not link or open youtube website over my app)
    ….Wish you luck..And thanks in-advance

    #331273 Reply


    Until we have a drag-n-drop widget solution have you considered using the html widget to embed a youtube player?

    Actually planning to move this comment since it is irrelevant for this topic.

    #331275 Reply


    @support-wayne wrote:

    Until we have a drag-n-drop widget solution have you considered using the html widget to embed a youtube player?

    Actually planning to move this comment since it is irrelevant for this topic.

    Hi Wayne

    And about my answer?

    I wonder how to solve this video issue. Taking advantage that I sent several mobi files, it would be great if I could clarify issues of alignment from the photo gallery and 360 ° view inside the html widget. If you don’t want to answer the other questions here because the different subject, please answer me by email. I am needing to solve all this problems to finish my demo. It’s been over a month since I bought the MobiOne and I’m still standing.

    Note: Any news about aspecto ratio feature for images/videos? I thought I could be present in version 2.2

    #331276 Reply



    Here is a partial update as video formats can be tricky. While not apples to apples at least we were able to create an app that embeds and plays all 3 videos on iOS devices and a nexus S running android 4.

    Note: 2 of your video’s have spaces in their filename which is a no-no for native android resource naming. Native android apps can not have spaces or any special characters in their filenames. The same applies to all android resources (images, video, audio, pdf, …) I removed the spaces from the filenames and they played.

    We don’t have the same test devices as you. Please try this simple test app and us know the outcome: http://goo.gl/XpXur

    #331280 Reply


    Windows is not recognizing this file. What is the extension?

    #331281 Reply


    Here is the expanded URL below. This an android app installer with your video’s configured to test and provide feedback. Don’t try the link on anything but an android device:


    #331282 Reply

    Hi appmos,

    I’ve tried out the app on my device and it works great for me.
    Device info: Motorola Razr Maxx (XT 910)/ Android 4.0.4

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