
Visual design like Sun Studio Creator? [Closed]

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  • #209615 Reply

    Milind Rao

    I have inherited a project that was built using Struts. I haven’t done any Web development for 3 years and the last time I did it, was using JSPs and scriplets.

    Struts is obviously a better way, but incredibly complicated.

    I have to do a new project and was impressed by Sun’s Studio Creator. I believe that Excadel has a plugin for Eclipse, but is 10 times the cost of Creator.

    Are there any plans to develop any plugin like Creator for JSF in MyEclipse?


    #209627 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I’ll let you answer your own question. When 3.8 Beta 2 is released (probably on Monday) please install it and have a look at our enhanced Struts support, especially the visual designer. I think you’ll like it. 😉

    #209698 Reply

    Milind Rao

    Can’t wait 🙂 Would you also be updating the tutorials?

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