- This topic has 9 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 20 years, 1 month ago by
George Lurlay.
SamMemberI’m very new to myEclipse, so please pardon me if this has been asked 1,000 times already…
How do I launch the Visual Designer? I have looked around for it in various menu locations, but haven’t been able to find it as of yet.
Riyad KallaMemberSam,
I would highly encourage you to check out our tutorials here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/ContentExpress-display-ceid-67.html, they will help you step-by-step with all the major functionality offered by MyEclipse.
I looked though the quickstart, and from what I can tell, design only works in HTML docs? I guess I was hoping for some visual dev for Struts & JSF, like WSAD v5.12. No big deal though… I am still loving myEclipse and it is much better than JBuilder (IMO), which is what I learned on in school (v5).
Kevin_LMemberYa Samman, Visual Designer only work for HTML pages. Not JSP pages…They are stilling working on it. For Struts, You can use its designer. Just fire away and open the struts-config.xml and at the bottom of page you will see the two tabs…one tab labeled source and one tabl labeled Design…you have to click on design tab to use Visual designer…..I am still trying to be familiar with that visual desinger tool…so far I am hand coding to configure struts…:)
Riyad KallaMemberSam,
Sorry I was confused about which ‘designer’ you meant. Kevin is right that right now the Web Page designer just supports HTML, our JSP designer is ‘mostly done’ internally and should make it into 3.9… I think that is the plan we had all along, but some interm releases (3.8.2 and 3.8.3) popped up so it *seems* longer than it should have been.Also Kevin is correct that if you want to use the Struts designer, make sure you have a Web Project with Struts Capabilities added to it, then open up your struts-config.xml file and click the “Design” tab at the bottom. Make sure you are opneing the file with the “MyEclipse Struts Editor”. There is also a XML Schema designer, and you access it by opening your XSD file and clicking the “Design” tab at the bottom. Please ask if you have any more questions.
SamMemberThanks again to both of you. I’m sure I will have more questions in the future! 😉
p.s. By the way, in my last post I ment WSAD 5.1.2. I’m sure you knew what I ment! 5.12 is a little ways down the road! 😀
George LurlayMemberIs Visual Designer similar to swing? I am new to Java and may not be asking the riht question. I am really looking for a ways to creat forms and alike via drag and drop like in ” other development GUI – specifically Microsoft tool” Please forgive my ignorance.
Riyad KallaMemberGeorge,
No worries, Java is vast; here are the basic ideas (I’m going to ignore the 100s of 3rd party frameworks that exist):UI Frameworks (APIs used for coding GUIs):
1) Swing (Included in the JDK)
2) SWT (Created by IBM, this is what Eclipse and many other apps like MyEclipse are made with)Now let’s say you want to design GUIs with these frameworks. You will want a “GUI Designer” or “GUI Builder” or “Form Designer”, they all mean the same thing “Draw a user interface using drag and drop”, so your major choices:
1) NetBeans Java IDE (www.netbeans.org), has an excellent GUI Builder in it for Swing. **FREE**
2) Eclipse’s Visual Editor plugin (http://www.eclipse.org/vep/) has a new/somewhat rough GUI Builder for Swing and SWT **FREE**
3) WindowBuilder Pro (http://www.windowbuilderpro.com/) is a very highly rater commercial plugin for Eclipse that does Swing and SWT as well **COMMERCIAL**
4) IntelliJ Java IDE (www.intellij.com) has a unique/pretty good GUI Builder for Swing. The IDE is also arguably one of the best IDEs. **COMMERCIAL**
5) JBuilder Java IDE (www.jbuilder.com) has a good GUI Builder for Swing. This IDE IMO is too expensive to consider, I don’t even particularly like it either.So to rehash, the major frameworks you can use are Swing or SWT (for all intents and purposes, don’t mix them, but it is technically possible to some degree). And the tools to use for drag-n-drop design are the list of 5 things above… note that there are a lot more UI frameworks out there that you could use AND tools to visually design them, but this should atleast get you started.
If you are a Sun/Java kind of guy, I suggest NetBeans, if you are an Eclipse/SWT kind of guy, I suggest WindowBuilder Pro. If you aren’t sure, give NetBeans and Visual Editor Plugin a try to get an idea of what its like to develop Swing as opposed to SWT.
Riyad KallaMemberGuys please add to my comments for George, I’d hardly consider myself knowledge in all areas of GUI development 😉
George LurlayMemberRiyad
Thanks for the response, I am looking at one of the site you mention http://www.eclipse.org/vep/ -