
visual hibernate mapping

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  • #231632 Reply

    Mustafa M

    In your roadmap, its says that Visual Hibernate Mapping will be supported. Is this going to be a database visual mapper so that it can auto-generate the .hbm.xml files. Sort of what Middlegen currently does. If so, when is it scheduled to be released. It says 4.0M1, but that has already come and gone yet no visual Hibernate mapper.

    #231642 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    We’re working on a visual hibernate mapper, but it just hasn’t hit the milestone builds yet due to resource constraints. We’re still optimistic it will make it into 4.0 final, but that’s not 100% at this point. I’ve asked our product manager to weigh in with more detail, but he’s out of the office for a few days.

    #231768 Reply

    @support-scott wrote:

    We’re working on a visual hibernate mapper, but it just hasn’t hit the milestone builds yet due to resource constraints. We’re still optimistic it will make it into 4.0 final, but that’s not 100% at this point……..

    Will this be the same functionality that the JBoss/Hibernate guys have in their recently updated Hibernate tools?

    Is it in fact based on the same code?
    – if not, what are the differences in functionality?

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