
Visual JSP Editor Questions

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  • #234839 Reply

    Werner Punz

    Just found some errors…
    a) if you drag a tag snippet from the snippets into the visual editor part, the snipped is expanded
    as plain text not as tag….

    the myfaces extension taglib is missing from the pallette
    there also seems to be no possibility to add your own pallette entries

    also some struts stuff is existend in the snippets
    but not in the palette, mainly the beans and logic tags…

    #234877 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    a) if you drag a tag snippet from the snippets into the visual editor part, the snipped is expanded
    as plain text not as tag….

    Since snippets are text source, what happens when you drag it to the source side of the split design view?

    the myfaces extension taglib is missing from the pallette
    there also seems to be no possibility to add your own pallette entries

    Both true with the current build. We’ll be adding such things in the future, but they’re just not there yet.

    also some struts stuff is existend in the snippets
    but not in the palette, mainly the beans and logic tags…

    The palette is really for visual design, so it isn’t cluttered with things that don’t have any visual rendering. That’s by design to keep the palette managable at this point.

    #234913 Reply

    Werner Punz

    Well if you drag it into the source pane it works.. so it is not a big error, but merely a problem, I am not sure if this is an error at all, since snippets also can be non tags, where the behavior can be expected

    #234961 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    It’s actually by design since the snippets can be anything at all.

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