Hi Guys, I just wanted to take a minute a show an app I made a while back.
It was just an app I made for fun to learn how to upload projects to Google Play Store. I listed it as a free app (Mostly because I knew nobody would buy it) but I started out putting advertisements on it. The advertising money ended up not really amounting to very much, so I took them off in my latest update. The funny part was that I posted it just for fun not expecting anyone to download it, however I currently have about 4000 downloads and get around 20 more per day. This is not a lot of downloads but I didn’t expect any. I have a few apps I am working on that I can hopefully sell someday.

The app was made using entirely MobiOne.
More info can be found At https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Waterproof.example