
Weather forecast

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  • #352235 Reply


    Stuff on this link is simple in html, but I don’t know how to add this to MobiOne.

    Can somebody show me how to implement this into MobiOne project?


    #352274 Reply


    Support for third party libraries is out of the scope of support we can offer. That being said I did do a couple quick tests with the API and was not able to get it to run effectively inside Mobione.
    My suggestion would be to create a new folder inside your projects structure and place the html files to use the api there. You can then call that page from your app using a button or whoever you would like inside an InAppBrowser.

    Hope this helps some.

    #352282 Reply


    Hi Brandon,

    Thx! This is helpfull for me. I didn’t know for that possibility.
    Is it possible to change style of the button, or text on button?

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