
Web 2.0 for MyEclipse 5.0 for Mac on Intel?

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  • #253191 Reply


    I saw on one of the posts that web 2.0 was planned for the Mac for version 4.1.1 of MyEclipse. It seems that I’m forced to use Eclipse 3.2.0 for the Intel Mac and then I can only install MyEclipse 5.0 and I was dissapointed when I wanted to use Web 2.0 and it wasn’t there.

    So, are there plans to make WEB 2.0 available for the Mac OS X on Intel? I’m running 10.4.6.

    Thanks in advance.

    Tom Ritter

    #253199 Reply



    Our plan is always to support all 3 major platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac) for all of our features. Sometimes we have to make a tradeoff because of some technologies being unavailable on certain platforms. We are currently integrating some new technology for Web 2.0 Tools in MyEclipse that will make a Mac port possible in the future. So it wont be in MyEclipse 5.0 M2, but hopefully in another release soon after that.

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