
Web App deployment problem

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  • #251116 Reply


    After refreshing my project from ClearCase and did clean, compile, refresh(F5) and deployment. This happened several times. It copyed only part of the project into WebLogic server(8.1 SP5). And then I have to keep doing restart MyEclipse, rebuild, deploy. By chance, it will deploy all the project to the WL server.
    Deployment Status says:
    Deployment is out of date due to changes in the underlying project contents. You’ll need to manually ‘Redeploy’ the project to update the deployed archive.
    What is manually redeployment? How to it?


    #251194 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I don’t know what F5 is mapped to in your workbench for sure, but try shutting down WebLogic, remove the deployment, then *right-click* on the root of your project and select “Refresh” from the menu, then re-create the deployment.

    Note that inconsistent state and/or trying to deploy/redeploy to a running application server can cause the error message you saw and behavior you were encountering.

    #251243 Reply


    It really annoys me many many times and it comes again now.
    I did exactly what you said and it only copy META-INF, WEB-INF, and nothing else. It even does work if I shut down my PC.

    #251252 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Do you have an Ant build that you have included in the build cycle? Running out-of-process operations like this *will* cause this problem regardless of you having MyEclipse installed or not.

    You can try and avoid it by going to Window > Preferences > General > Workspace and checking “Automatically refresh”.

    #251508 Reply


    There is a ant build file but it is empty and nerver used.
    I tryed the automatically refresh and it does work alao.
    Any other idea?

    #251512 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This is a clear case issue, another user that emailed us has problems with deployments and clearcase as well. Once he disconnected the project from clearcase the deployment of the project works fine, it has something to do with how clearcase locks files and MyEclipse needs to read them to deploy them.

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