I am making an app for school. I have now the javascript code to search students numbers on the web.
Now i got a problem with opening.
Explaining my problem:
1. When i Publish my app (WebAplication mode) the app opens in safari and i have to add to home screen to make a button. If i put my code in to the valuebox before i add it to my homescreen in safari.. the app works fine. I have the toolbar from safari at the bottem. and i can go to my app if i was @my page.
Before adding to home page:

2. When i add my app to the home screen the safari toolbar seems to disappear.. now when i put my code in i cant get back to my app..
After adding to home page:

It looks like if my app isn’t a Webapplication.. or is there a solution to open my app always in Safari
Is there a solution to fix this?
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