It appears that if you create java projects which have a period in the name and then
make a webapp project depend on those projects, when you export those projects to
a war file the deployer/exporter sees the existing period and doesn’t add a .jar onto
the filename of the project dependancy in WEB-INF/lib.
In case this isn’t clear, say I have a project foo.model and a project
foo.web. foo.web depends on foo.model. When I export foo.web to a
war file, there is a file WEB-INF/lib/foo.model (not WEB-INF/lib/foo.model.jar),
so when the war file is deployed the webapp doesn’t work (class not found).
Renaming the projects to foo_model and foo_web avoid the problem.
Guess how I found out…
I think there is nothing wrong with periods in project names and the deployer/exporter
shouldn’t get confused by them.