
Web development with MyEclipse 5.0.1 & AppFuse 1.9.4 :(

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  • #263877 Reply


    Hi all,
    I am new to MyEclipse world. I choose it merely for JSP editor real time IE/Mozilla views and also JSF development.
    I have a problem with converting a AppFuse made project structure to MyEclipse web project and b/c doing so I deploy it on Tomcat 5.5.20 but it could not find my index.jsp welcome file!
    I guess the problem is with MyEclipse builders and I should create a new builder for my packaging.
    Just curious about is there anybody to have experience with developing AppFuse projects in MyEclipse environment?

    -Thanks all

    #263885 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    A while ago I tried to convert the base AppFuse project to a MyEclipse web project and it turned into a nightmare (never got it working). From what I could tell the layout was not immediately compatible with MyEclipse unfortunately.

    #263898 Reply


    Thanks a lot Riyad, Unfortunately and unfortunately 🙁

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