
Web flow build is failing

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  • #318381 Reply

    Greg Soulsby

    Ok, so I have slavishly followed the YouTube tutorial on building a web flow, many times. It is a little different in that I am running ME4S, and the video is in something else.

    Getting this when I try to see the beautiful page with “next” on.

    HTTP Status 404 – /T002/home
    type Status report
    message /T002/home
    description The requested resource (/T002/home) is not available.
    Apache Tomcat/6.0.13

    I long to see that “next” – it means a lot to me, it means something in my life has worked. Unfortunately this project is in the same status as the others in my life. I attach.


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    #318417 Reply

    Greg Soulsby

    I think I have tracked down the cause of this.

    Creating another web flow, after the initial CRUD scaffolding, is not updating my web.xml or projectName-webflow-config.xml files. I have put in the

    <servlet-mapping> and
    <webflow:flow-location path=”

    into the respective files and it seems to be working.

    One would expect myEclipse to do these updates, would one not?


    #318446 Reply



    I was unable to reproduce this, unless my Project -> Build Automatically setting was disabled.

    I was able to import your project and explicitly invoke a clean build and the web.xml was updated with the correct servlet/servlet mapping entries and the web flow config file was created.

    Is it possible that your workspace wasn’t set to build automatically?



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