I am using MyEclipse with Eclipse 3.1m7 and Tomcat 5.0.27, and every web project in my workspace has just become useless.
When I try to deploy one to a Tomcat 5 server, I get an empty error dialog (red X icon but no message.) If I redeploy, I don’t get an error, but the webapp doesn’t appear in Tomcat’s webapps directory.
Another one can no longer be deployed because MyEclipse refuses to automatically supply a path for the exploded archive or to accept any path I give it.
I tried undeploying and redeploying, disable and reenaabling the server, and even re-creating the Tomcat tree from the distribution ZIP, no luck. The only thing that has worked so far (for two of the web projects) is re-creating the project from scratch in another directory, manually reapplying all of the project properties, and copying all of the files over from the old project.
Please advise.