Actually I filed it with revised language and it got targetted for 6.1, so I think management agrees.
Just as a heads up, this is how we revised it, let me know if you think this reads more acceptably:
In order of top to bottom, labels and controls…
(Panel Title) “Web Project Deployment Policy”
(Prompt) “How should required Java Projects be deployed?”
(Radio 1) “JAR and place them in the /lib directory”
(Radio 2) “Use Smart Deployment (see Notice)”
(Radio 3) “Ignore (I will manage them manually)”
(Panel Title) <UNCHANGED>
(Prompt) “Include the following in Web Project deployments:”
(Check 1) “JARs from the Build Path”
(Check 2) “JARs from User Libraries”
(Check 3) “JARs exported from required Java Projects”
(Check 4) “JARs exported from User Libraries from required Java Projects”
the verbage syncs up with the rest of the Eclipse UI wording, namely the “required” terminology… so hopefully it should be straight forward.