When using types like list and other complex type, the xfire expects to have the aegis.xml file for the corresponding service interface or the class using this type.
on using a service with interface like
public interface IListService {
public List getListOfDiv();
give a xml file IListService.aegis.xml file in the same folder as this class with contents like
<mappings xmlns:xsi=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance”
<method name=”getListOfDiv”>
<return-type mappedName=”DivInfoList” componentType=”com.cdb.list.DeptInfo”/>
Also on using objects i think the default aegis binding expects the class to have properties with setters and getters. I never tried returning other type of classes.
Other than this other configuration will be taken care by the myeclipse and the xfire.
reply if any concerns.