
Web Services documentation in MyEclipse

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  • #272384 Reply


    Having gotten used to quality documentation from MyEclipse, I’m slightly disappointed with the documentation for Web Services in MyEclipse 5.5 GA. I am left with the impression as if the documentation for Web Services has not undergone any improvement over the last at least 7 months.

    1) Help -> Help Contents -> MyEclipse Learning Center -> Web Services Development has a section on Code-First methodlogy, but nothing on Top-Down scenario. The Top-Down scenario is barely touched. I think the Top-Down scenario is quite common and often you need to iteratively develop the Web Service WSDL. Another relevant tool for Top-Down scenario is the XFire eclipse plugin that enables you to regenerate iteratively WSDL -> java.

    2) The “Web Service Client Development” link seems to launch the entire help in another sub-frame.

    3) There seem to be several instance where the documentation seems to be dated. E.g the sections on JAX-RPC. Nothing is mentioned about JAX-WS or JSR 181/JSR 224.

    I think MyEclipse should clearly spell out the specs supported.

    #272393 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    1. This is on our documentation TODO

    2. This was a bug, will be fixed in 6.0 (had a bad help link)

    3. We haven’t gone down JAX-WS path yet, but it’s something we are planning internally.

    We agree that more attention needs to get paid and it will, we are formalizing a lot of work going towards documentation and it should continue to improve and get better quickly now. Sorry for the rocky start in WS.

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