Here is a simple Contact DOM example using the HTML container. The next example will use the same example not using the HTML container, but using the GUI of Mobione and placing the javascript in the custome.js file instead.
Web Storage (or DOM Storage) represents a mechanism for persisting data on the client. This example describes how to use the Web Storage API by creating a simple address book application.
The application consists of a table to list all the entries and a form to add new entries or edit existing entries stored in the local storage area. Below is a screenshot of the completed application as it appears in a browser.
Each contact entry consists of three fields, first name, last name and e-mail address, and is identified by an unique ID.
Let’s take a look at the way our entries will be stored in the local storage:
Each entry is uniquely identified by an ID generated using an auto incrementing field named index that will also be stored in the local storage for use in later sessions.
Keys are prefixed with the word “Contacts” to avoid naming conflicts with other applications/scripts that store information in the local storage on the same domain entries are stored as strings serialized in the JSON format
I am trying to use a datagrid integration. I am looking for either the support team or experienced users for some help :).
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