
web.xml 2.4 Validation Error for taglib tags [Closed]

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  • #213746 Reply

    John Parker

    I have a problem with my web.xml under 3.8.1 that was fine under 3.8 beta-2.

    When I run validate xml, it says “The XML file is not valid, see the tasks view for a list of the validation errors.”

    The Tasks view is empty.

    I do get a red x in the margin in my web.xml, for one taglib entry that is the same as all of the others.

    Here is the entry:


    The error message is far to long to quote as I can’t copy and paste, but begins with:

    cvc-complex-type.2.4.a Invalid content was found starting with element ‘taglib’

    #213764 Reply


    3.8 beta2 don’t validate xml and your xml is invalid
    3.8.1 (with or without fix 1,2,3,) do deafult validation xml files
    I have invalid web.xml too – If You send complete web.xml I can test


    #213766 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Guys with the new web app 2.4 spec your taglib entries need to get into jsp-config tags

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Reply To: web.xml 2.4 Validation Error for taglib tags [Closed]

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