
Weblogic 6.1 Startup

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  • #235433 Reply

    Hi there,

    just upgraded to the new Milestone. But now i cannot start the Weblogic 6.1 from Eclipse anymore.
    Error message says:

    A configuration error occured during startup. Please verify the preference field with the prompt: Weblogic installation directory…

    The path is correct in the preferences and worked before the update.

    any ideas?



    #235455 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Can you provide us with all the settings you’re using? Can you compare your settings with those shown here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/FAQ+index-myfaq-yes-id_cat-16.html

    #235541 Reply


    I have the same problem, and the complete error prompt is

    A configuration error occurred during startup. Please verify the preference
    field with the prompt: WebLogic installation directory since it should contain a
    directory named ‘server’.

    And I have the same configuration except that I didn’t installed WebLogic inside dev folder (C:\dev\bea), instead of that I installed directly in C: (C:\bea), and of course the password; domain and server name are different, but all the other configurations are the same.

    here is the screenshot:

    This looks like a bug, or is just me, us (me and Alex)?

    Thanks for any advise!


    #235545 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I’ll investigate this further internally and see what I can find out. I’ll report back here once I know something. Should be soon.

    #235560 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    It turns out this is a regression bug in 4.0M3 caused by addition of WLS9 support. We’ve already fixed the problem internally for the 4.0GA build on Monday 8/29. Sorry for the inconvenience this is causing you, but thanks for reporting it so we could get it fixed.

    #235674 Reply

    Hi Scott,

    Thanks for the fix.
    Is the 4.0GA build available for public on Monday?

    #235684 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    It will be available on the 29th or many many people in the office will die =)

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