
Weblogic 8, CVS and deploying

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  • #231141 Reply



    We’re working in a team environment and are having difficulties deploying projects to Weblogic 8.

    Here’s our scenario:

    One person had created a new Web project in Eclipse which he was able to deploy by selecting Weblogic 8 in the New Deployment window. The Deploy Type was Exploded Archive and a Deploy Location was suggested. Everything ran fine. He checked his project into CVS.

    Whenever new team members join, they check out the project from CVS. When they attempt to deploy the project as an exploded archive and select Weblogic 8, no suggested path is given and none can be entered in the field. It is greyed out.

    They can select <Custom Location> and give the required path. The project is deployed, but when Weblogic is started, it’s looking for a .war file. This of course doesn’t exist, since we’re deploying as exploded archive, and on top of this, no entry for the project is written into the config.xml file.

    I can, however, stop Weblogic, manually enter the application lines into the config.xml file, and then restart. The application then works fine.

    What troubles me, though, is the <Custom Location> deployment, when we’ve entered all the Weblogic settings meticulously, and the fact that I have extra work to do for each new team member.

    Can you please give me a suggestion as to how to reduce the amount of work required to deploy a project for new development installations?


    #231168 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Navigate (on the broken projects) to your Project properties > MyEclipse-Web preferences, is the Web root context an empty box by chance? Try and change it to the same values you have on the working machine. Did that work?

    #231490 Reply


    In MyEclipse-Web under:

    Web Context-root only contained /

    I added the project name and this time was able to deploy using Weblogic settings, but when the server was started it still searched for a .war file. Again I manually added the application in Weblogic’s config.xml file and it worked.

    What I didn’t do was what is written in the Notice on the MyEclipse-Web dialog. Should I do this?


    #231504 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    What I didn’t do was what is written in the Notice on the MyEclipse-Web dialog. Should I do this?

    If it is working, you should be fine.

    #231509 Reply


    Well, that’s just it. It isn’t working completely fine. I still have to manually edit Weblogic’s config.xml. I’d rather not have to play around with that.

    #231512 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Then try the directions and see if they help.

    #231797 Reply


    No, that still hasn’t done it. The problem persists.

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