
Weblogic autodeploy and deployment plan

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  • #320805 Reply

    Jon Aardal

    Does anyone know how to specify a deployment plan (plan.xml) when auto-deploying a weblogic 10.x application?

    I’m using MyEclipse 6.6.0 on a Windows 7 platform.

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    #320807 Reply


    aardal ,

    Please take a look at this link for detailed instructions on deployment plan in Weblogic :

    Hope this helps.

    #320814 Reply

    Jon Aardal

    Thanks for the link, I did find a solution.

    I am working in a local development environment and the deployment plan exists to replace jndi variable entries in the web.xml.

    I found that if I take the variables defined under the <variable-definitions> element in the deployment plan and create a cooresponding entry in the web.xml with:

      <description>env variable</description>

    you don’t need to deploy the deployment plan with the application or do an autodeply with an ear. This is a workaround so if you need to actually deploy the deployment plan with the application I think you’ll need to autodeploy an ear file.

    #320826 Reply


    aardal ,

    Thank you for posting your findings. It will surely be of great help to other users.
    Do let us know if you have any other issues.

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