I am facing problems while integrating my local WebSphere 5.1 Application server with MyEclipse.
I have followed the steps for configuration but when I start my server, it is getting terminated again in few seconds.
Even it is not updating server start up log.
Configuration I am doing is:
1. WebSphere Home Directory : C:\Program Files\Portal51UTE\AppServer
2. Host Name : localhost
3. Server Name : server1
4. Output Encoding : console
5. Debug Messages check box : Checked
6. Is Webshere Version 5.1? check box : Checked
I am not sure what to provide in these two options:
1. Optional Program Arguments
2. Optional Shutdown Arguments
For JDK options, I tried with both JDK option, one is MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 5.1.0 GA and my installed JDK that is JDK-1.4.2.
I am struck here, Can you please tell me Is there any problem with my configuration?