
Webstock Tutorial Part 3 With JSF

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  3. Java EE Development (EJB, JSP, Struts, XDoclet, etc.)
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  • #250717 Reply

    John Parker

    Is there any chance of doing a JSF version of part 3 of the Webstock Case Study – J2EE Application Development?

    I can follow the struts example given, but would really appreciate seeing how the equivalent functionality would be provided using JSF.

    I appreciate the work done, by the way, and find these tutorials very valuable!

    Thanks ❓

    #250771 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We are talking with some folks right now about doing large-case dev docs like what you are asking for. It seems like a slow process because it’s not easy to pop out docs like that but we are working on it.

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