
What characteristics does a form need to work from palette?

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  • #283455 Reply

    Tom Yamada

    I have successfully added third-party layout classes as well as my own Matisse forms to the Matisse palette custom folder, and they work as expected in Matisse. However, in a couple of cases I have created a Matisse form, added it to the palette and, though it shows up in the Custom folder I am unable to select it to be added to my layout, either by drag-and-drop or by the “Add From Palette” right-click command.

    I have read the overview and tutorial documentation and examples on customizing the palette, but have found no checklist or description of the characteristics of a form or widget to function reliably from the palette. My forms that work and my forms that don’t work from the palette may extend the same class (e.g. JPanel).

    I would appreciate if anyone could clarify this for me.


    #283557 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

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    #283573 Reply

    Tom Yamada

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    #283610 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

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    #283630 Reply

    Tom Yamada

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