
What happened to the EASIE JBoss Plug-In? [Closed]

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  • #198753 Reply


    Is there any documentation for how to set up/configure the JBoss plugin?

    My configuration Details show that I’ve got the following installed:

    *** Plug-in Registry:
    com.genuitec.eclipse.ast.deploy.core (2.6.2) “Deployment Core Plug-in”
    com.genuitec.eclipse.core (2.6.2) “Genuitec Core”
    com.genuitec.eclipse.easie.bejy (2.6.2) “Genuitec EASIE Bejy Tiger”
    com.genuitec.eclipse.easie.core (2.6.2) “Genuitec EASIE Core”
    com.genuitec.eclipse.easie.jboss (2.6.2) “Genuitec EASIE JBoss”
    com.genuitec.eclipse.easie.jboss2 (2.6.2) “Genuitec EASIE JBoss 2”
    com.genuitec.eclipse.easie.jboss3 (2.6.2) “Genuitec EASIE JBoss 3”
    com.genuitec.eclipse.easie.jboss4 (2.6.2) “Genuitec EASIE JBoss 4”

    Unfortunately, I’ve got no idea how to configure EASIE. If I had a better idea what M to RTF, I’d be happy to.

    Thanks in advance.

    #198754 Reply


    Try the following link:
    At the bottom of the page is are links to the JBoss connector configuration details.

    MyEclipse Support

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