
What is a Mobione screen name?

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  • #347603 Reply


    I call a page from Mobione app like windoe.location=’http://myweb.com/’ then my webpage takes the control and in the end a JavaScript in my myweb.com sends the control back to Mobione original page, but the sending back does not happen. Any idea why? It looks like that the newly called web does not have the awareness of Mobione pages where it came from! is that right? the only way to go back is window.history(-1)

    #347604 Reply

    Hi shahin,

    Are you creating an app or webapp?
    What is your device model and OS?
    Have you tried using a GotoURL action?
    Also, please post a small example project that demonstrate the issue.

    #347683 Reply


    Is GotoURL(myURL) action same as Window.Location=myURL?

    #347795 Reply


    >Is GotoURL(myURL) action same as Window.Location=myURL

    No, it does a lot more. Take a look at the gotoURL action and notice the various options. You can’t do any of that with window.location. For the full picture see phoneui.js showURL() function for the full implementation. You can find phoneui.js in the generated code www/<startupfilename>/res/phoneui.js

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