Tagged: MyEclipse 2015 deployment
- This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 7 months ago by
hi dear sir/madam
1 – I am using myeclipse for spring version 10.6 I guess but what is the link for latest one.
2 – I ask here if I can hide subdirectories inthe package explorer like windows or even like the folders in webroot.
so only whenI click on the root it opens its own subdirectoies
take care
The latest version of MyEclipse for Spring is 2014. Here is the link to download MyEclipse for Spring 2014 :
http://www.myeclipseide.com/index.php?name=Recommend_Us&req=Download&version=ME4SFrom the Package Explorer > View Menu (Ctrl-F10) > Filters,you can set named filters by checking the ‘Name filter patterns’ and giving the folder names to hide.
Let us know if this is not what you are looking for.
hi dear sir
not working when I do CTRL + F10 .
what I meant is a simple package explorer to expand only whenI click say
Ihave folder one/two.three currently it shows
one.two.threeI want only
=oneI mean just like windows explorer or as we have in webroot folder
as for the llatest version Iask
1 – Do I have to download or enough to update mine which I did so would this be enough ?2 – why after updating still myeclipse does not support jsf2.2 ? how to add them now?
3 – I have a simple file upload jsf of thistext
<%@ taglib uri=”http://java.sun.com/jsf/core” prefix=”f”%>
<%@ taglib uri=”http://java.sun.com/jsf/html” prefix=”h”%>
<%@taglib uri=”http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk” prefix=”x”%><f:view>
<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=UTF-8″/>
<title>JSP Page</title>
<h:form enctype=”multipart/form-data”>
<h:panelGrid border=”1″ columns=”2″>
<x:inputFileUpload id=”file” value=”#{fileUpload.upload}” required=”false” size=”40″ />
<h:commandButton action=”#{fileUpload.uploadFile}” value=”Add Files”></h:commandButton>
</f:view>above works with eclipse but in myeclipse the submit button is not responding unless the bean is servlet or I remove the enctype=”multipart/form-data” but no way to upload
thanks a lot
To change the display mode of the package hierarchy, Click on Ctrl+F10 > Package Presentation and select the “Hierarchical” view mode instead of the “Flat” mode.
1. MyEclipse 2014 supports JSF 2.2. MyEclipse 10.x supports only JSF 2.0. Did you update to MyEclipse 2014 or MyEclipse 10.7.1 ? Please clarify.
2. You need to install MyEclipse 2014 as a fresh installation as the base Eclipse platform for MyEclipse 2014 is different from the one for MyEclipse 10.x. MyEclipse 2014 is based on Eclipse Kepler 4.3.
So please download the MyEclipse Spring 2014 from here and install it to a different location :
http://www.myeclipseide.com/index.php?name=Recommend_Us&req=Download&version=ME4S3. Is the JSF project based on JSF 2.2?. To create a new JSF 2.2 project in MyEclipse 2014, you can first create a web project, then right click on the web project > MyEclipse > Project Facets [Capabilities] > Install JavaServer Faces Facet. Follow the wizard to install JSF 2.2 capabilities to your project.
Let us know how it works for you.
hi sir / madam
I tried to install myeclipse-spring-2014-GA-offline-installer-windows.exe on my computer
but I get this error at first
myeclipse-spring-2014-GA-offline-installer-windows.exe is not valid win 32 application
my coputer is windows xp 32-bits (x86)
any help thaks
Sorry that you are seeing this issue. The installer might be incomplete or corrupted.
1. Please retry downloading the installer from here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/index.php?name=Recommend_Us&req=Download&version=ME4S
Also make sure the file size and MD5 sum of the downloaded file matches that mentioned in the Downloads page.
For your convenience I am pasting them here :Full Installer: ~ 1334mb
MD5: b129e59793cb76e5242ec84c7ddc57012. Are you behind a firewall or proxy that scans and “improves” files that are being downloaded? Please recheck.
Let us know how it works for you.
hi all dear tutors
I just ask why MyEclipse 2015 has no redeploy button to a server so I have to always remove app then deploy again
many thanks
Sorry but this question slipped through. In case you haven’t discovered this yourself, changes are often deployed to the server automatically, when changes are made. However, occasionally, you may need to “republish” the deployment. If you right click on the project or the server, in the Servers view, you will see appropriate options for publishing/deployment. The Servers view itself will show the state of servers and projects, indicating if they need republishing.
I hope this helps.