
What is the .struts file in the WEB-INF file for?

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  • #209575 Reply

    Cal Holman

    There is a file “.struts” in my WEB-INF directory containing the following:

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

    If i delete the file i can no longer deploy. The error reads like a locked file error and i cannot deploy/remove/redeploy. Really do not want files generated by myEclipse in this directory – how can i live without .struts? How can i generate one if i do delete it?

    java.runtime.name=Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
    os.name=Windows XP
    app serever=tomcat 5

    com.genuitec.eclipse.ast.deploy.core (2.7.1) “Deployment Core Plug-in”
    com.genuitec.eclipse.core (2.7.1) “Genuitec Core”

    #209576 Reply

    Cal Holman

    Actually it was my Webroot directory – which contains the WEB-INF. So i deleted all the pecky .files and readded the project to eclipse as a web project. All was ok until i changed a jar in my WEB-INF/lib directory. I deleted a jar and now Tomcat 5 deployment is complaining that the jar does not exist and it cannot redeploy. I deleted the deployed directory (i am using exploded deployment) and still cannot deploy the project. It is as if there is a file containing a list of the deployed files and this file is getting out of sync.

    There are no issues in the log

    I have not had this issue before. Really frustrating. If i delete the webapp i should be able to deploy no matter what i previously deployed.

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