
What’s the latest on the Windows-only tools and Mac?

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  • #280962 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    Any word on getting those working on OS X? I mean the stuff like the AJAX tools and M4M…

    Please? Pretty please? 🙂

    #281000 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Dave I really wish I had good news (or any news) on that front. Team is still heads down on Blue Edition until March, then we move right into 6.5 from there. As for Mac compatibility with our Swing-based tools, that revolves completely around the success the Albireo project has (http://www.eclipse.org/albireo/)… I have to imagine that work will get turned around and folder back into the main Eclipse platform for 3.5 (or whatever is after 3.4).

    So unless there is some amazing breakthrough with the 3.4 Ganymede code base, which we will use for MyEclipse 7.0, I don’t see the Swing-SWT integration on Mac supporting our tools soon.

    As for Ajax support, I believe we *almost* got it working at a production level in the 6.0.1 release, but saw 1 or 2 crashes so we locked it up behind the


    flag. But you can enable it, and I think it works fairly well…

    #281007 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    Hey Riyad,

    Well.. nuts on the Swing/SWT stuff on the Mac… But the Ajax tools behaving better is good news. Any idea when that will come out from behind the experimental flag?

    P.S. And what happened to my “Veteran Member” status? Tough room I tell ya! 😉

    #281014 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Well.. nuts on the Swing/SWT stuff on the Mac

    Tell me about it… if you count the developer time we’ve invested in solving this problem, it hasn’t been cheap, with nothing to show for it. That doesn’t make management happy. We are hoping Albireo solves this problem all together. There are a lot of vendors out there that have Swing-based tools that aren’t going to reimplement them on Eclipse, so it’s imperative that this technology integration get ironed out.

    But the Ajax tools behaving better is good news. Any idea when that will come out from behind the experimental flag?

    I don’t have an ETA… I want to say 6.5, but that plate is already so loaded I don’t know if there is wiggle room left in that release schedule. Just not sure.

    P.S. And what happened to my “Veteran Member” status? Tough room I tell ya! 😉

    hrrmm… I have no idea. Lemme ask system admin.

    #281040 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    Hey there Riyad,

    Yea I know you guys have spent a lot of cycles trying to fix the Mac integration on Eclipse – and it’s appreciated. For desktop apps I can always “punt” and use NetBeans so it’s not THAT big a deal. The Ajax stuff tho? OH yea.. need that. So keep chipping away at it.. 😉

    Thanks for the re-instate of the veteran status.. 😀

    #281191 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Dave, I hear that loud and clear. Will try and see if we can get more cycles for 6.5… I’m secretly hope that 7.0 (on Ganymede) natively improves that situation, but who knows.

    As for the veteran status, not sure what happened to it. The admin didn’t know either, so he just flipped it back on. Lemme know if it disappears again.

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