
What should/should not be checked into CVS?

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  • #230947 Reply

    Wayne Bang


    I was wondering which of the following files/directory should or should not be checked into CVS when sharing a project; they are:
    .myeclipse <– directory

    Thank you for your comments.

    #230961 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If the other users on the project are using MyEclipse, you can check everything into CVS, then when they pull the project it will be all setup and ready to go (as long as you are good about not using fully qualified external items in your classpath, those might require readjustment). If you are sharing with other people that don’t use MyEclipse and want to keep the project “pure”, you can just mark all of the (My)Eclipse specific resources as ignored, and just have each user checkout and setup the project individually.

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