
What specific versions of Red Hat do you support/test on?

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  • #304192 Reply

    Steve Prior

    I’m hoping there’s a better answer for MyEclipse 8.0 than there was for earlier versions. What specific levels of Red Hat Enterprise Desktop do you support and test on?


    #304220 Reply

    Loyal Water

    CentOS is our representative RedHat OS-compliant testing platform along with Ubuntu and Fedora.

    #304221 Reply

    Steve Prior

    That’s probably fine, but you need to make public exactly which version of CentOS you are testing against. You really should be testing against a version which isn’t necessarily the latest version, but rather some version which is older, but still in the support window.

    We had the problem with MyEclipse 7.5 (or was it 7.0) that you relied on such a new version of the OS that normal IT organizations would have not rolled something that new out yet, and yes there were lots of incompatibilities as a result and we could not deploy the new version of MyEclipse as a result.

    I’ve been hoping we could give it another shot with MyEclipse 8.0 if you guys started being more specific about what your OS level requirements are. Otherwise we’re going to have to plan to abandon MyEclipse in favor of generic Eclipse.


    #304261 Reply

    Loyal Water

    We are currently testing with CentOS 5.3. I hope this meets your requirements.

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