
When using a Pipe with ngFor, field values of iterable objects not recognized

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  • #528319 Reply


    When using a Pipe with ngFor, it seems the field values of the object type I am iterating over are not recognized. Once the Pipe is removed, the IDE recognizes them fine. The code runs fine, but cannot seem to alleviate this issue and would like to correct my execution if it is incorrect somehow.

    Also, I have a Directive that is attached to a button linking the innerHTML to a variable “statusMessage”


    “statusMessage” highlights as “not defined”

    <button type=”button” class=”btn” appButtonStatus [(stbStatus)]=”stb.status” (click)=”statusBtn(i, stb)” [innerHTML]=”statusMessage”></button>

    in the Directive it is the binding is structured as such:
    @HostBinding(‘innerHTML’) statusMessage: String;

    #528403 Reply



    I could replicate the problems you reported at my end. I have filed a bug for the dev team to investigate further. We will keep you posted about the fix schedule.

    Apologies for inconvenience caused. Thank you for reporting them.

    MyEclipse Support

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