
Where are those pesky Ant Configuration files stored?

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  • #276529 Reply


    Every time I launch my ant target I get a pop-up dialog entitled “Ant Configuration Selection” that says “Choose an Ant configuration to run”. There must be a way for me to prevent this but I can’t find where this information is stored.

    #276560 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I think this is part of the new default launch behavior in Eclipse 3.3… I had to change it back to the old default.

    Go to Window > Prefs > Run/Debug > Launching > and down under Launch Cofiguration, tick the first radio button.

    #276565 Reply


    That sure looks like the right area, but it’s still popping up. I’ve tried many of the radios and checkboxes but I can’t get rid of the launch configuration prompt. In addition, the launch configuration seems to be caching invalid properties. How do I delete the thing?

    #276569 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I guess you could go to the Run Tools, toolbar button (next to debug) pop open the dilaog, and erase all the Ant runtimes. Then just re-run them from the package explorer or Ant view and let ME recreate them.

    #276577 Reply


    Yes, that would be great, but in my “Create, manage, and run configurations” dialog I can’t seem to get the Ant configurations to show up. I have all filtering turned off, meaning that none of the following are checked:
    – Filter Closed Projects
    – Filter Deleted/Unavailable Projects
    – Filter Configuration Types
    and when I choose “Filtering Preferences…” I’ve turned all those off too, but still no Ant configurations. The following show up:
    – Eclipse Application
    – Equinox OSGi Framework
    – Java Applet
    – Java Application
    – JUnit
    – JUnit Plug-in Test
    – MyEclipse Server
    – SWT Application

    #276586 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Wait, I was tlaking about clicking the external tools run drop down in the tool bar, it’s the run button with the little red briefcase on it… then go to Open External Tools dialog, and erase all those Ant build script runtimes listed.

    #276630 Reply


    Woot! That was it. Thanks a million.

    #276645 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    No problem.

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