Man.. it’s been nuts…
First, I finished my gig and TMobile and transitioned the code back over to the client. All in all that went very smoothly. BTW, you can add that TMobile gig to your list of success stories. MyEclipse worked *great* and if it hadn’t been for the tools like the spring integration I wouldn’t have had gotten things done *nearly* as fast. With the Spring Beans diagramming I was able to document and easily show the client exactly how Spring fit into the business objects. And the UML collaboration and usecase diagrams proved extremely helpful as well.
So on October 20th I started with a new company… schemaLogic ( They’re doing some pretty amazing stuff with metadata management. And it’s one of the more challenging things I’ve done. Between that and a private client of mine, I’ve sorta been up to my eyeballs in work…