
Why is JBoss3 ONLY server available? [Closed]

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  • #217919 Reply


    I have been using Tomcat and Ecslipe for some time now with no problems.
    I discovered MyEclipse and thought it would help.
    I have downloaded and installed the trial.

    However, when I try to deploy the only choice available is
    Jboss3. I thought this was supposed to support 20 deployment options?
    (although, for now all I care about is Tomcat 5).

    I have been unable to find anywhere in MyEclipse where I can
    configure (add) Tomcat and I have searched through your web-site
    and your support forums but cannot find anywhere this is addressed.

    Why does the server list only have Jboss3 and how can I add Tomcat 5?

    #217920 Reply


    I found it. Thanks anyway

    #217925 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    No problem. We just released a new set of Quickstart tutorials on our Documentation page, here:

    I think you’ll find that they’ll get you up and running quickly.

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