
Why is the toplink shipped with 8.5 not updated

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  • #309121 Reply

    Omer Azmon

    The toplink shipped with 8.5 is version 2.0, which was updated already in 2007. The bug fixes (such as find not working correctly have been fixed for 3 years). Are you dropping support or just the ball?

    #309199 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    So that we are on the same page, our capability wizard adds Toplink Essentials, not Toplink, the latest official release of this was version 2b41 which is what we ship.

    Toplink Essentials was superseded by EclipseLink which we also include (a refresh is planned in MyEclipse 9).

    Could you please clarify whether you are referring to Toplink or Toplink Essentials? If the latter, are you referring to the versions on this page or another source?

    #309214 Reply

    Omer Azmon

    When selecting toplink as the JPA provider MyEclipse adds the toplink-essentials-agent.jar and toplink-essentials.jar. The version you provide is as stated. This version is buggy.
    The version 2.0.1 as provided with netbeans, for example, was issued in 2007 and is not buggy.
    An example is that in the version you provide the find method constructs the wrong sql statement while in the 2.0.1 it constructs the correct one.

    #309635 Reply


    you have two options:
    1. Update the library set with the latest version of TLE
    2. Use EclipseLink.

    as stated, TLE has not been deprecated and no new work has been done on it for a few years.
    EclipseLink is not the latest 2.x. Again, you can update the library set to those that you’d like.
    (going throw the growing pains myself).

    #314526 Reply


    you have two options:
    1. Update the library set with the latest version of TLE
    2. Use EclipseLink.

    as stated, TLE has not been deprecated and no new work has been done on it for a few years.
    EclipseLink is not the latest 2.x. Again, you can update the library set to those that youAgain, you can update the library set to those that you’d like.

    Would you post a link as to where/how one can update the EclipseLink jars?

    I have d/l the latest and greatest ELink zip, and would like to have a EclipseLink tab with a dropdown giving me the option of using v.1 or v.2. Much like it is currently done with Windows –>Preferences–>Project Capabilities–>Hibernate 3.2 or Hibernate 3.3.
    I would love to see EclipseLink 1.0 or EclipseLink 2.0 (or something similar to that.)

    Any help would be appreciated.


    #314586 Reply



    We released an update to MyEclipse 9.0 M2. It has Eclipse link support, including support for Eclipse link 2.1.
    Can you please apply this update and let us know if it works for you?

    Update details: http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2-viewtopic-t-26861.html

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