- This topic has 14 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 20 years, 10 months ago by Riyad Kalla.
JTrask2MemberI’m currently running Windows 98. I’ve downloaded the latest copy of myeclipse, but when I try to install it I’m getting “The installer can not be run on your configeration.” Any help would be appreciated. I have the product working at home. Its great. Now I need it at work.
support-michaelKeymasterCan you describe what happens when you attempt to launch the installer. Also what version MyEclipse are attempting to install. Lastly what version of Java to you have on your path, e.g., from a commandline run “java -version”.
JTrask2MemberI’m using the EnterpriseWorkbenchInstaller_020700RC2 launcher with the latest version of myeclipse. The message that I’m getting is … “The installer can not be run on your program. It will now quit.” Also I’m running jdk – 1.4.0_01.
Riyad KallaMemberA few quick suggestions:
1) Turn on installer debugging. You do this with the LAX_DEBUG=1 flag, try either of the following from a command prompt:c:\>set LAX_DEBUG=1 EnterpriseWorkbenchInstaller_020700RC2.exe
c:\>set LAX_DEBUG=1 c:\>EnterpriseWorkbenchInstaller_020700RC2.exe
(note I’m trying to simluate what a console prompt would look like, you can try this from wherever you want not necessarily the C:\ root)
2) Updated your JDK. 1.4.0 shipped with quite a few bugs, I would hate to spend all day troubleshooting your problem and find out its simply a JDK issue. You can pull the most recent JDK from here:
http://javashoplm.sun.com/ECom/docs/Welcome.jsp?StoreId=22&PartDetailId=j2sdk-1.4.2_03-oth-JPR&SiteId=JSC&TransactionId=noreg (direct link)3) You should make sure that the installer is finding the correct JRE/JDK to run itself with. Do you have multiple copies of the JDK or JRE installed? You can check real quick by looking at your hard drive root, C:\, are there multiple “j2sdk” or “jsdk” directories in it? What directories are under C:\Program Files\Java, or C:\Program Files\Javasoft?
rriversMemberI also got the message ‘the installer cannot run on your configuration” when I tried to install MyE Ent Workbench on Win 98. I have c:\j2sdk1.4.2-03 where I have just installed that sdk, and set that as a runtime in the Eclipse (not myeclipse) preferences. Also, I have checked and I have the runtime in c:\program file\Java\j2re1.4.2_03. Also I have c:\program files\JavaSoft\Jre\1.2 Now what do I do
Riyad KallaMemberrrivers,
1) Did you try any of the suggestions from Michael or me to the original poster?
2) What is the output from ‘java -version’, what version of Eclipse are you running?
3) What version of MyEclipse are you trying to install?
4) Do you have a classpath set in your environment variables or autoexec.bat file?
5) What is your PATH set to?
6) Did you try using the LAX_DEBUG flag?
7) What JRE does it say its trying to use?I would suggest you completely uninstall/remove the 1.2 release of the JRE and/or JDK if you have it installed. Just clean out Java on your machine and just have the 1.4.2_03 release installed.
rriversMember1) I tried using the Lax Debug=1 I only got DOS to take the EWInstallerblah.exe part when I put it on the same line with the Lax Debug =1. However, then tried the debugger and got the same error msg.
2)java -version gives: version 1.4.2_03, Java RT Env Std Ed (build 1.4.2_03-b02)
3) MyEclipse EntWorkBench version 2.7 RC2
4) when I do sysedit and look at autoexec.bat , I have the Path= (regular c\windows stuff) and I have added ;c:\J2SDK1.4.2_03\BINAs far as the Classpath= , I only see that in my autoexec.tsh file and it is SET CLASSPATH=C:\JBUILDER6\LIB\EXT which is to include mysql in jbuilder
When I go to the add/delete programs in control panel I see three java entries: Java 2 RT Env STd Ed v1.2.2
Java 2 RT Env, SE v 1.4.2_03
Java 2 SDK, SE v1.4.2_03Also, not referenced in the add/delete programs, in C:\JBuilder6\jdk131 I have a copy of the version 1.3.1, but it is referenced in the default project properties of jbuilder and ran ok without being in the path and even after 1.4.2 was put on the machine. I do not think this is affecting the installation.
rriversMemberWhen I do sysedit, in the autoexec.bat I see:
PATH=”%PATH%”;C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~7\80\TOOLS\BINN;”C:\PROGRAM FILES\APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION\TOMCAT 5.0\COMMON\LIB”;C:\J2SDK1.4.2_03\BINI added tomcat 5 to my machine right before eclipse, which was right befoer myeclipse. Before tomcat 5 I added the c:\j2sdk1.4.2_03
rriversMemberOn my machine, I have JBuilder, Visual J++, short term copy of Together — if I just wipe out the 1.2 version, might this cause problems with any of these other programs?
Riyad KallaMemberHmm it might, its probably safer to not touch 1.2 for now.
There is a way to force the installer to use a particular VM, I believe it is the setting “LAX_VM”, I don’t know if you need to point it to the home dir of Java or the executable, either way try these two things (note: Please change the appropriate dir before doing this, I’m only using c:\ as an example):
c:\>set LAX_DEBUG=1 c:\>set LAX_VM=C:\J2SDK1.4.2_03\BIN\java c:\>EnterpriseWorkbenchInstaller_020700RC2.exe
If that doesn’t work try this:
c:\>set LAX_DEBUG=1 c:\>set LAX_VM=C:\J2SDK1.4.2_03 c:\>EnterpriseWorkbenchInstaller_020700RC2.exe
if that doesn’t work type “set” at a command line and paste the result into a message here. ‘set’ will spit out all environment vars, and I’m wondering if the LAX_DEBUG and LAX_VM are being set correctly. I’m most interested in getting the LAX_DEBUG setting working so we can see the output, which would include the VM that the installer is trying to run with. So if we see that its picking a really old installer even though you are trying to have it run with the new one, we can atleast trouble shoot that problem.
rriversMemberI typed in the first 3 statements you gave; it took the first 2 but not the enterprise stmt, so I repeated the set LAX_DEBUG stmt and after a few spaces typed the 3 statement (Enterprise) on the same line. It took that. When I did the set, it did not show the j2sdk1.4.2 in the path, so I did c:\autoexec.bat at the prompt, and then did set and it fixed the path. What I got with set was:
BLASTER=A220 15 D1 T4 P330
PATH=C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND;C:\PROGRA~1\MICRO~7\80\TOOLS\BINN;C:\PROGRA~1MICROS~7\80\TOOLS\BINN;C:\PROGRA~1\APACHE~1\TOMCAT~1.0\COMMON\LIB;C:\J2SDK1~1.2_0\BINThe strange part about this is that I installed Tomcat 5 and had it on the path (not Tomcat1) and the sdk seems to be 1.2_0
rriversMemberThe other strange thing i’ve noticed is that if I go to the DOS prompt and type path (or set) , the path only goes through to BINN above; that is, the tomcat and j2sdk references are left off. If then, I do this command- c:\autoexec.bat then I see a path with Tomcat5 and j2sdk1.4.2. If I then follow this with a path or set command, I see a path as in the message above, with Tomcat1 and sdk 1.2_0
Riyad KallaMemberrrivers,
You’re path actually looks fine. DOS is limited to 8-character names, so what it does is truncate parts of the paths to ~1, also note that it will do a replacement any time there is a space in the path name. So with Tomcat, it is truncating the space and name and all you end up with the original name is the “.0″ at the end, so instead of ” 5.0″ you have “~1.0” which makes it look like 1.0, but its not. Same goes for the JDK.NOTE: You probably want to put your JDK first in the path statements since the JDK/JRE installers WILL put files in your Windows directory that act as executable shortcuts to the installed JRE.
You mentioned that you are able to get the installer to launch with LAX_DEBUG… what is the output you get in the console after it runs?
rriversMemberWhen I rebooted this morning, the installer worked. it is now installed. Thanks.
Riyad KallaMemberHaha man its always the simple things hu?
Ok great glad its working.